Western Gate Investments

Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentación

DIA is a Spanish multinational company specialising in the distribution of food, household and personal care products. It operates in Spain, Portugal, Argentina and Brazil with more than 6,100 stores. In 2018 its sales were 9.3 billion euros. DIA is the leading Spanish franchisor by number of stores and sales figures. Worldwide it ranks among the top ten in the food retail sector.

Western Gate started investing in DIA in mid-2018 and currently hold c.2% of the company. Western Gate believes in DIA’s business model and that the convenience format towards which DIA is moving is the best way forward and the future of retail. Convenience and Data are the two key words we look for in a retail company, and these are very present in the company’s business model. Even though the company is going through difficult times, Western Gate believes in its long-term value.



NEWS - Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentación

12th June 2024: AGM 2024 - Information Request (Spanish)

12th June: AGM 2024 - Information Request (English Translation)

25th June: Press Release - Spanish

25th June: Press Release - English

2nd April 2024: Western Gate once again calls for a board member that safeguards the independence of the board and interests of minority shareholders.

2nd April 2024: Western Gate reclama de nuevo un consejero que salvaguarde la independencia del Consejo de Administración y los intereses de los accionistas minoritarios de DIA.

2nd April 2024: Letter to Board of Directors.

27th September 2023: Western Gate solicita que la vacante en el Consejo de Administración de DIA sea cubierta por un Consejero que represente los intereses de los accionistas minoritarios.

27th September 2023: Western Gate calls for the vacancy to be filled by a Director that would represent the interests of the minority shareholders.

18th July 2023: Western Gate destaca que dos tercios de los accionistas minoritarios presentes en la JGA votaron en contra del acuerdo sexto

18th July 2023: Western Gate highlights that 2/3 of minority shareholders present at the AGM voted against Resolution 6

14th June 2023: Western Gate votará en contra del nombramiento de D. Benjamin J. Babcock y reclama una vez más que los accionistas minoritarios estén representados en el Consejo de Administración de DIA

14th June 2023: Western Gate shall vote against the appointment of Mr. Benjamin J. Babcock and calls once more for representation of the minority shareholders on the Board of Directors of DIA

9th June 2022: Western Gate pide un asiento en DIA para los accionistas minoritários

9th June 2022: Western Gate request representation for the minority shareholders on the Board of DIA

1st June 2022: Western Gate votará en contra de 3 de los acuerdos que se someterán a votación en la Junta General de DIA y seguirá luchando por los intereses de los accionistas minoritários

1st June 2022: Western Gate to vote against 3 resolutions put to the vote at DIA's General Meeting and keeps fighting for the Minority Shareholders' interests

21st July 2021: Ampliación de capital de DIA

21st May 2021: Western Gate solicita a la CNMV que tenga en cuenta a los accionistas minoritarios a la hora de autorizar las condiciones de la ampliación de capital

3rd September 2019: Carta Accionistas

3rd September 2019: Letter to Shareholders

3rd September 2019: Western Gate se opone a la reducción del número de consejeros y a los cambios en la política de remuneración del Grupo DIA

3rd September 2019: Western Gate to oppose itself to the reduction of the number of seats of the Board and the changes to the remuneration policy of DIA

17th May 2019: Posición de Western Gate tras el resultado de la oferta pública voluntaria (OPA) de adquisición de DIA por parte de LetterOne

17th May 2019: Western Gate’s position following the outcome of LetterOne’s Voluntary Tender Offer (VTO) for DIA

17th May 2019: Resultados de la oferta pública de adquisición (OPA) voluntaria

17th May 2019: Results of Voluntary Tender Offer

7th May 2019: Oferta de Letterone 2.0

7th May 2019: Letterone Offer 2.0

7th May 2019: Posición de Western Gate tras las modificaciones a la oferta pública voluntaria (OPA) de adquisición de DIA por parte de LetterOne

7th May 2019: Western Gate’s position following the modification to LetterOne’s Voluntary Tender Offer (VTO) for DIA

24th April 2019: Comentarios sobre las noticias relativas a la reunión de L1

24th April 2019: Comments on Media Reports Concerning Letterone Meeting

24th April 2019: Posición de Western Gate tras las últimas informaciones sobre la oferta pública voluntaria (OPA) de adquisición de DIA por parte de LetterOne

24th April 2019: Western Gate’s position following the latest information on LetterOne’s Voluntary Tender Offer (VTO) for DIA

10th April 2019: Hoja de ruta para accionistas

10th April 2019: A Road Map for Shareholders

10th April 2019: Posición de Western Gate tras el informe del Consejo de Administración de Dia

10th April 2019: Western Gate expresses its opinion following the Dia Management Board’s decision

5th April 2019: Luis Amaral named Retail Personality of Past 3 Decades in Poland

5th April 2019: Luis Amaral, reconocido como «Personalidad del sector retail de las últimas tres décadas» en Polonia

19th March 2019: Western Gate believes the agreement with Dia’s creditors is positive

19th March 2019: Western Gate valora positivamente el acuerdo de Dia con sus acreedores financieros

10th March 2019: El Confidencial - El banquero de Goldman en la cocina del asedio a DIA... y de algo más

7th March 2019: El Confidencial - La CNMV tumba el último atajo contable de Fridman para evitar la quiebra de DIA

7th March 2019: CincoDías, El País -Letterone ya contempla llegar hasta el preconcurso de Dia para cerrar un acuerdo con la banca

7th March 2019: CincoDías, El País - Fridman plantea refinanciar los 306 millones en bonos que vencen en julio

6th March 2019: El Confidencial - LetterOne ve margen para abrir hasta 1.000 tiendas de DIA en España en 10 años

6th March 2019: CincoDías, El País -  Letterone ve posibilidad para abrir entre 500 y 1.000 tiendas de Dia en España

5th March 2019: El País - Guerra de comunicados en Dia: Letterone acusa al consejo de engañar a los accionistas

21st February 2019: El Confidencial - Durísima carta de la banca a Fridman: "Su propuesta no merece la pena ni discutirla"

6th February 2019: El Confidencial - El consejo de DIA busca un caballero blanco para forzar una opa a un precio mayor



1. This website and the content and materials contained herein (the “Materials”) are the exclusive ownership and copyright of Western Gate Private Investment Limited (“Western Gate”).

2. The Materials are for informational purposes only and may not be relied on by any person for any purpose and are not, and should not be construed as, investment, financial, legal, tax or other advice or recommendation. The Materials are not intended to be and do not constitute or contain any investment recommendation or any financial product advice under any applicable law or regulation. No information in any of the Materials should be construed as recommending or suggesting an investment strategy or as representing any opinion as to the present or future value of any financial instrument. Investors should seek their own financial, legal and tax advice in respect of any decision regarding Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentación, S.A. (“DIA”).

3. The Materials are not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, South Africa, Switzerland or the United Arab Emirates, or any other jurisdiction in which its distribution or release would be contrary to any applicable law or regulation.

4. The Materials have been compiled based on publicly available information (which has not been separately verified by Western Gate) and do not: (i) purport to be complete or comprehensive; or (ii) constitute an agreement, offer, a solicitation of an offer, or any advice to enter into or conclude any transaction or take or refrain from taking any other course of action (whether on the terms shown therein or otherwise).

5. Many of the statements in the Materials are the opinions, interpretations and/or beliefs of Western Gate which are based on its own analysis of publicly available information. Any representation, statement or opinion expressed or implied in the Materials is provided in good faith but only on the basis that no investment decision(s) will be made based on, or other reliance will be placed on, any of the contents therein by others. Nothing in the Materials or in any related materials is a statement of or indicates or implies any specific or probable value outcome for DIA’s shareholders in any particular circumstance. Certain statements and opinions expressed or implied in the Materials are necessarily based on or involve assumptions, because not all information on DIA is publicly available. If any of these assumptions are incorrect, it could cause Western Gate’s statements and/or opinions to differ materially.

6. The Materials may contain “forward-looking statements”. Specific forward-looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and include, without limitation, words such as “may”, “can”, “will”, “expects”, “believes”, “anticipates”, “plans”, “estimates”, “projects”, “targets”, “forecasts”, “seeks”, “could”, “would” or the negative of such terms or other variations on such terms or comparable terminology. Similarly, statements that describe any objectives, plans or goals of Western Gate are forward-looking. Any forward-looking statements are based on the current intent, belief, expectations, estimates and projections of Western Gate. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that are difficult to predict and that could cause actual results to differ materially. Accordingly, you should not rely upon forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results and actual results may vary materially from what is expressed in or indicated by the forward-looking statements.

7. The Materials may include content or quotes from, or hyperlinks to, news coverage or other third-party sources (“Third Party Materials”). The content of the Third Party Materials has not been independently verified by Western Gate and does not necessarily represent the views of Western Gate. The authors and/or publishers of the Third Party materials are independent of, and may have different views to, Western Gate. The making available of Third-Party Materials on this website does not imply that Western Gate endorses or concurs with any part of the content of the Third-Party Materials or that any of the authors or publishers of the Third-Party Materials endorses or concurs with any views which have been expressed by Western Gate on the relevant subject matter. The Third-Party Materials may not be
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8. No representation or warranty, either expressed or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained in the Materials, nor is it intended to be a complete statement or summary of the securities, markets or developments referred to in the Materials. It should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment. You should obtain your own professional advice and conduct your own independent evaluation with respect to the subject matter of the Materials and any related information. Western Gate expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for any loss howsoever arising from any use of, or reliance on, any of the Materials or any of their contents as a whole or in part by any person, or otherwise howsoever arising in connection with the same.

9. Western Gate may without notice to any person change all or any part of the Materials, but are not under any obligation to provide any amended, updated or additional information or Materials or to correct any inaccuracies in the Materials.



1. Este sitio Web y el contenido y los materiales recogidos en él (en adelante, los “Materiales”) son propiedad exclusiva de Western Gate Private Investment Limited (en adelante, “Western Gate”), protegida por derechos de autor y copyright.

2. Los Materiales tienen propósito meramente informativo, por lo que no deben ser tomados como fundamento por ninguna persona, ni para ningún fin, ya que no constituyen asesoramiento financiero, jurídico, fiscal, de inversión ni ningún otro tipo de recomendación, ni pueden interpretarse como tales. Los Materiales no pretenden ser, ni constituyen o contienen, recomendación de inversión alguna, ni asesoramiento relativo a ningún producto financiero conforme a ninguna ley o normativa aplicable. Ninguna información contenida en ninguno de los Materiales debe interpretarse como recomendación o sugerencia relativa a ninguna estrategia de inversión, ni como expresión de ningún tipo de opinión acerca del valor presente o futuro de ningún instrumento financiero. Los inversores deben recabar asesoramiento propio de tipo financiero, jurídico y fiscal en relación con cualquier decisión relacionada con Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentación, S.A. (en adelante, “DIA”).

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5. Muchas de las manifestaciones recogidas en los Materiales son opiniones, interpretaciones y/o pareceres de Western Gate, basados en sus propios análisis de información de dominio público. Toda declaración, manifestación u opinión expresada o implícita en los Materiales se ofrece de buena fe y sobre la premisa de que no se tomará como base para ninguna decisión de inversión, y de que ninguna parte de su contenido será adoptada como fundamento por persona alguna. Ningún elemento de los Materiales ni de ningún otro material relacionado con los mismos puede considerarse declaración o inferencia sobre ningún resultado concreto o probable relacionado con el valor para los accionistas de DIA de ninguna circunstancia en particular. Ciertas manifestaciones y opiniones expresadas o implícitas en los Materiales se basan necesariamente en, o implican, ciertos supuestos, debido a que no toda la información relativa a DIA es de dominio público. Si cualquiera de estos supuestos resultara incorrecto, las manifestaciones y/u opiniones de Western Gate podrían variar sustancialmente.

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